This site is a celebration of the days when British Professional Wrestling was a highly skilled and athletic sport, supported by thousands of spectators every week in clubs and halls around the country. In its heyday from the 1950s to the 1980s, British Professional Wrestling was enjoyed by millions on television every Saturday afternoon on ITV's "World of Sport".

New Year - New Start
Due to other commitments, this website has been inactive for a while. This has resulted in an
enforced change in domain name from the previous ".com" address to a new address of
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Please let other "classic" British Professional Wrestling supporters know about the new address.
Meanwhile, I will endeavour to keep the site running more efficiently from now on.
If you find anything not working properly, please email details to so it can be corrected.
This is a free-to-view, non-commercial website, put together by one man in my spare time. It is by no means complete - there
is still lots of work to be done to include everyone worthy of a mention. My aim is to create a fitting tribute to all those who helped
bring about "The Golden Years" of British Professional Wrestling.
The site started (around the turn of the century!) when there were no good quality
British wrestling sites on the internet. Emails from around the world confirm there is still a great respect for 'classic' British
Professional Wrestling. Over the years, I have been loaned wrestling magazines, been sent scanned pictures and even been
entrusted with original photographs by wrestlers and their families. Best of all, I have been welcomed into the "wrestling fraternity"
and attended reunions where wrestlers meet to reminisce about escapades both in and out of the ring. It has
been my good fortune to meet them, and others behind the scenes, discovering the warm friendship of this very special group of
As wrestlers' families and friends discover this site, I hope they will be inspired to search attics and thumb
through family albums, and send in material to enable their role in the history of wrestling to be acknowledged here. Meanwhile, my aim is to scan many more photographs and
articles from "The Wrestler" and other vintage wrestling magazines for you to enjoy.
Ideally, there will be regular site updates, but please bear in mind that I have a full-time job. Gathering information and scanning photographs takes time. My apologies if updates aren't as frequent as on other websites and emails
aren't answered promptly. I can't update the site daily with current news of the "wrestling
fraternity" but, fortunately, there are now other websites which can. For news, interviews, discussion forums
and much more, check out the excellent Wrestling Heritage site. And
if you want it "straight from the horse's mouth", the official British
Wrestlers' Reunion site must be the place to visit.
Happy browsing!