The eighth British Wrestlers' Northern Reunion was held on the 10th March 2013 at its regular venue, the Oulton Institute, Oulton in Leeds.
The event was arranged by Steve Fury and Tarzan Boy Darren Ward.
Wrestlers and others involved in professional wrestling, together with their families and invited guests attended the event.
Those present included:
Al Marshall, Banger Walsh, Barry Cooper, Blackburn Roberts, Blondie Barratt, Bob Sweeney, Boston Blackie, Ciaran McConnell, Colin Joynson, Dale Storm, Derek Collins, Dick Harrison, Dirty Dickie Swales, Dwight J Ingleburgh (Sam Betts),
Eddie Riley, Eric Ayres, Gordon Pryor, Harry Monk, Ian Miller, Jackie Robinson, Jackie Turpin, Jimmy Boy Devlin, John Cox, John Kenny, Johnny Angel, Johnny Kincaid, Johnny Saint, Johnny South,
Keith Martinelli, Keith Myatt, Klondyke Kate, Lee Bronson, Les Prest, Mal Mason, Mal Sanders, Marty Jones, Matt Jarrett, Nikki Monroe, Peter Baines, Peter Preston, Ray Robinson,
Rex Lane, Scott Thomson, Steve Barker, Steve Fury, Steve Grey, Tarzan Boy Darren, Tiger McGuigan, Tommy Stewart, Tony Kaye.
Please email if you know of anyone whose name has been missed out.
1. Harry Monk, Lee Bronson. 2. Derek Collins, Bob Sweeney. 3. Dickie Swales, Sam Betts. 4. Blondie Barratt, Mal Sanders.
1. John Cox, Gordon Pryor. 2. Tony Kaye, Harry Monk. 3. Tony Kaye, Eric Ayres.
4. Jackie Turpin, Blondie Barratt, Tiger McGuigan.
1. Peter Baines. 2. Blackburn Roberts. 3.Dickie Swales. 4. Dick Harrison.
1. Barry Cooper, Tommy Stewart. 2. Ciaran McConnell, Jackie Robinson, John Kenny.
3. Jimmy Boy Devlin, Les Prest. 4. Les Prest, Johnny Saint.
1. Steve Fury, Tarzan Boy Darren. 2. Johnny Angel, Tarzan Boy Darren. 3. Scott Thomson (centre). 4. Rex Lane & son.
1. Ian Miller. 2. Dale Storm, Scott Thomson. 3. Sam Betts, Jimmy Boy Devlin, Blackburn Roberts, Dickie Swales, Les Prest. 4. Johnny South.
1. Klondyke Kate, Nikki Monroe. 2. Les Prest, Keith Myatt, Al Marshall, Blondie Barratt. 3. Derek Collins, Eddie Riley.
4. Ian Miller, Scott Thomson.
Compere Gordon Pryor called forward some of the wrestlers (and a referee) to receive articles about themselves from "The Wrestler" magazine.
1. Gordon Pryor. 2. Peter Preston. 3. Peter Baines. 4. Derek Collins.
1. John Cox. 2. Steve Grey. 3. Colin Joynson. 4.Tony Kaye.
1. Johnny Kincaid. 2. Al Marshall. 3. Jackie Robinson. 4. Johnny Saint.
1. Johnny South. 2. Bob Sweeney. 3. Keith Martinelli.
Group pictures after the presentations.
Fighting Spirit Magazine presented "Living Legend of Wrestling" certificates to Keith Martinelli, Johnny Kincaid and Marty Jones, who made a short speech.
1. Keith Martinelli. 2. Johnny Kincaid. 3 & 4. Marty Jones.
John Cox received his "On the Road" award, for being a great travelling companion, and made a very amusing speech.
More wrestlers were called forward to receive copies of articles about themselves from "Ringsport" magazine.
1. Johnny South. 2. Johnny Kincaid. 3. Johnny Saint. 4. Lee Bronson.
1. The recipients gathering. 2. Marty Jones. 3. Jackie Robinson. 4. Mal Sanders.
1. The recipients continue to gather. 2 & 3. Mal Sanders is called to make a speeech.
Raffle time.
1. Gordon Pryor calls out the winning numbers from the bag held by Tarzan Boy Darren.
2. Steve Fury and Les Prest ready to help the winners select a prize.
Respect award
Bob Sweeney accepts the reunion's "Respect Award" and makes a speech.
Pictures contributed by others will appear in this section, with acknowledgements to the photographers.