Sabu's entry in "The Who's Who of Wrestling"

Sabu back cover feature from "Ringsport", issue 131

Sabu featured in two editions of "Ringsport", issues 147 and 150

(i) Sabu with Deep River, (ii) Sabu's athletic action startles the referee (iii) posed photo

Finally, for the sake of completeness, pictures of other wrestlers from the articles above

(i) Mike Marino (ii) Doctor Death, referee Max Ward and Sugar Ray Do Do

Many thanks to 'Sabu' himself for supplying some photographs, and to 'Hack' of Wrestling Heritage for the loan of his Ringsport magazines.
Got a photo or other material about Sabu which could be featured on this site? Please e-mail it to
Contributions will be acknowledged on the site, using either your real name or a 'pen name', if preferred.