Finally, for the sake of completeness, other wrestlers shown in the above articles
"The Wrestler" editor meets Tommy in July 1961, and features him on the cover in October 1961
Tommy featured in the Parade of Champions, January 1962
Tommy featured in an article about middleweights, February 1962
Eddie Caldwell interviews Tommy for "The Wrestler" in November 1962
(i) Tommy on the receiving end of a flying leg lever by an airborne Rene Ben Chemoul
(ii) Al Miquet throws Tommy as tag partner Julien Morice looks on approvingly. Ref: Doug de Relwyskow
(iii) Tommy has a toe hold on Jackie Pallo
(iv) Japanese middleweight Akio Yoshihara gets a stranglehold on Tommy
Another "Wrestler" feature from May 1964
Finally, for the sake of completeness, other wrestlers shown in the above articles
(i) Rafel Gracia of Spain, (ii) Roy St.Clair with hammer lock arm & lever on Eric Taylor