Prince Kumali

Globetrotting Heavyweight

Prince Kumali shows off his impressive physique

Feature from "The Wrestler", February 1968

Andy Robin - Leg grab and leg stretch Mike Marino's two-handed judo jab lifts Kumali off the canvas

Prince Kumali vs Tibor Szakacs

Szakacs spins out from Kumali's wristlock
Kumali forces Szakacs to canvas with one-handed arm lever Low flying tackle by Szakacs knocks Kumali off balance

Feature from "The Wrestler", February 1970

Referee Max Ward checks for submission from Kumali's opponent Kumali snarls at the audience while applying a figure 4 armlock Trapped in Steve Veidor's headscissors Veidor held to canvas by Kumali's wristlock

Feature from "The Wrestler", June 1971

Kumali gets tough with a backbreaker and a knee drive on Roy StClair

Thanks to Russell for the loan of his magazines.

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